Mpowered Health

A revolution in healthcare


Mpowered Health is on a mission to make the consumer the focus of healthcare. To upend the status quo they have created a health app that helps consumers find competitive pricing, compare healthcare providers, manage medical expenses, and keep all their health information in one place. Mpowered Health can now connect with all Americans regardless of age, gender, zip code, or their state of health.
Logo design
Brand guideline
Messaging & Strategy, Olivier Roth
Creative Direction, Natasha Mozz
Design Lead, Kenneth Lee
Design, Johann Banta
Social Media Management, Edit Ford

Timelapse created a visually compelling design system and crafted messaging that clearly explained how Mpowered Health provides every American with a centralized, thoroughgoing, and user-friendly healthcare management solution.

Based on the outputs of a Timelapse-lead Discovery Workshop the team created a stunning, conversational, easy-to-comprehend brand and drafted messaging that conveys that the power to change the system starts with the individual.

Not only did the brand and marketing strategies need to raise awareness drive adoption, it needed to be aligned with the app. Timelapse conducted extensive UI audits and testing that included mockup examples to ensure brand continuity, clarity of message, and ease of use.